Comparing the Best Artificial Christmas Tree Brands

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Comparing the Best Artificial Christmas Tree Brands

The holiday season is upon us once again, and with it comes the annual debate of whether or not to opt for a real or artificial Christmas tree. When it comes to choosing an artificial tree, there are countless brands available on the market, all promising to deliver the perfect festive centerpiece. However, not all artificial Christmas tree brands are created equal. In this article, we will explore some of the best artificial Christmas tree brands and what makes them stand out from the rest.

Balsam Hill Artificial Christmas Trees: A Class Apart

One of the top brands in the artificial Christmas tree market is Balsam Hill. This brand prides itself on creating realistic and high-quality trees that are built to last. Balsam Hill trees are made with a combination of high-quality PVC and PE needles, which ensures that they look and feel just like a real tree. Additionally, each tree features an intricate branch structure and carefully crafted ornaments that add to the lifelike appearance.

National Tree Company: Bringing Nature Indoors

Another brand that has made a name for itself in the artificial Christmas tree market is National Tree Company. This brand offers a wide range of trees in various sizes and styles, catering to almost any holiday decor preference. National Tree Company trees are designed with an innovative “Feel-Real” technology that uses high-quality PVC needles to mimic the texture and appearance of real tree branches. Furthermore, the trees are pre-lit with energy-efficient LED lights that can last up to 30,000 hours, ensuring that they stay lit throughout the holiday season.

Affordability and Quality: Best Choice Products

For those on a budget, the Best Choice Products brand offers affordable and quality option to ensure that everyone can enjoy the magic of Christmas without breaking the bank. Best Choice Products trees are made with durable PVC needles and are designed to look and feel like real trees while maintaining a budget-friendly price point. Moreover, these trees come pre-lit with LED lights that offer a warm, cozy glow, perfect for setting the holiday mood.

Vickerman: Style and Substance

Another notable brand is Vickerman Company, known for offering a wide variety of trees, including traditional green trees, white trees, and colored trees. Vickerman Company trees are made with a combination of PVC and PE needles, aiming to create the perfect balance between affordability and realism. The brand also offers trees that feature a “fold-and-go” design, making set up and storage an absolute breeze during busy holiday seasons.

King of Christmas: Majestic Trees for a Majestic Season

Lastly, we have the King of Christmas brand. This brand is known for manufacturing high-quality Christmas trees that feature innovative designs and state-of-the-art technology. King of Christmas trees are made with a hybrid mix of both PVC and PE needles, ensuring that their trees look realistic and impressive. Additionally, the brand offers pre-lit trees that use the latest generation of energy-efficient LED lights, which seamlessly illuminate the tree for a magical holiday setting.


In conclusion, there are several great brands to consider when searching for the perfect artificial Christmas tree. Each brand offers unique features that set them apart from the crowd, whether it be affordability, realism, innovative design, or energy efficiency. Ultimately, the best artificial Christmas tree brand is one that delivers the enchanting and memorable holiday experience that you and your loved ones are seeking.